Wow - have a look at all the work going on in our Interest Projects!! This term 7/8 SN and 7/8 OD are working together on their Interest Projects. The students have chosen a variety of topics which include: Logging, Alternative Fuel, Forestry, Gaming, Solar Power, Tectonic Plates, Sundials, Robots, Cycleways/Walkways and Animals.
We have been pretty busy. Here are just some of the things we have been doing:
- assigning group roles
- asking questions
- meeting with Mr Mc Guinness to present our project proposals
- researching and summarizing information in our own words
- doing science experiments
- writing reports
- developing story boards for our film presentations
- creating Google Presentations and Google Docs
- visiting our school library
- sending emails to get information from experts
- arranging out of school visits
... It's all go!!!!!
Team work in the Science Lab. |
Using Google Maps to research and explore cycleways/walkways. |
More team work! |
Classification: Sorting different rocks. |
Some of use have decided and started to use Google Presentations to present our information next term. |
Growing crystals in the Science Labs. |
Busy researching and communicating online. |
We use all the space we have in school to work in our groups - even the cloak bays! |
Practising the film shots that Mr Sparks taught us. |
Diagram of the science experiment we did on circuits. |
Students: Leave a comment telling us what you are enjoying most about your second Interest Project?