Saturday, 21 May 2016

Some Impact Project Highlights

Lots of students have been working extremely hard on their Impact Projects.

Here are some snippets of what the students in 7/8 OD have achieved so far in their Impact Project.

Fundraising Bake Sales

Chelsea, Riley, Julia, Ngauru and Zoe (also with Georgia's help) held a fundraiser on Friday to raise money for St Vincent de Paul. They made delicious cakes, cupcakes, cookies, brownies and more. Looking forward to finding out how their sales went and what they learnt.

This was the hand made poster created by Julia's group to advertise their bake sale.

Tie Dye T-shirt Fundraiser

Bianca, Nina and Jasmyn decided they wanted to raise money for Canteen. With Georgia's help, the girls created and sold tie dye-t-shirts.

Looking forward to hearing all about what they learned in the process and how much they raised on expedition day.

Surfing Wax Production

Jennah has created blocks of wax to sale. After spending the last couple of weeks creating a budget and presenting her business plan to Mrs Hyland she was able to purchase her ingredients and have her was tested. She was busy packaging her wax and creating her logo on Friday. Photos to come.

Protect our beaches from pollution

Hazel and Keita-Yee are organising a beach clean up and have sought permission from the council to put up a sign to make people think about how littering affects wild-life. Really looking forward to seeing how the sign turns out girls.

There is lots more going on...

Tom has created a 3D army tank and has lots of information about how this particular tank was used in the war. 
Gabby and Steven are working on various designs of bracelets to raise money for charity. These go on sale soon. Bracelets can be pre-ordered now.
Eli is involved in the filming umbrella project so it will be very exciting to see what Eli and his group have to show us on exhibition day.
Other students are involved in the robotics and animation umbrella project - they have been visiting Mindlab.

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Term 1 2016

Wow - super slack! 7/8 OD 2016 have been so busy this term we have not managed to get our class blog updated!

Busy doing what you ask?

Swimming Sports

We had a day of swimming sports at the Olympic Pools where we worked together as a team to complete the challenges as fast as possible. We had to complete challenges such as saving our team mates with a life tube/buoy, underwater swimming, handstands and lots more! We enjoyed our lunch under the trees, chatting, playing football or playing on the playground.

Weetabix Triathlon

In preparation for the Weetabix Triathlon we learnt and practised transitioning. The triathlon was a new challenge for many of us. It was tough but exhilarating. Campion College won a prize for having the most entries from one school.


We spent time preparing for and going on our trip to Whangara. Before going we learnt about what a powirhi is and the protocols we need to follow when we are part of a powhiri. We also learnt more about myth and legends by watching and discussing 'The Whale Rider'. We were able to identify different scenes from the movie at Whangara. In Science, we also learnt about the rocky shore environment and how creatures adapt to survive in this environment. We all completed 6 activities - surfing, rocky shore (one group saw over 30 crabs), weaving, boogie boarding, koru art and the scavenger hunt. Thanks to Erin and all our parent helpers we all extremely well-fed (yum!).

From 6:30 am swims, as the sun was rising, to weaving in the shade, we had LOTS of fun facing new challenges, learning new skills and getting to know each other.

Cyber Safety

We also learned about and had lots of interesting discussions about being safe online.
We found this video particularly interesting and it stimulated lots of conversation. We discussed the many ways we need to stay safe online but also the benefits of having this technology at our finger tips.

Other Learning
In class, to mention but a few things, we revised how to use punctuation correctly by looking at the structure of basic, compound and complex sentences. We learned about alliteration, adjectives and similes. We looked at the structure of a myth so we could write our own :-). In Science, we explored the adaptive features of different animals before creating a 3D rocky shore creature of our own.

What did you most enjoy about Term 1 this year?