Monday, 31 August 2015

Students of the Week

Each week a group in our class has the responsibility of awarding Dojo points and nominating a Student of the Week.

Congratulations to our Week 5 Student of the Week -Andre.
Andre has been working hard to improve the amount of work he gets completed in class time and is always respectful during class discussions.

Congratulations to our Week 6 Student of the Week - Juliet.
Fellow students nominated Juliet because they have noticed she is always focused on her work and ready for learning.


  1. Nice work Juliet and Andre you guys truly deserve to win it these two weeks.

    Yours Sincerely Hirday

  2. Nice work Andre D great job keep working hard and keep having fun.

    Yours Sincerely Zendon J

  3. Great work Juliet!!!!! You definetly deserve it!! (sorry for my spelling) You have been a great friend!

    Maia P : )

  4. well done Juliet! great work keep it up

    Grace T : )

  5. Nelson here awesome work Juliet.
